Citizen of the Week

Washington County Airport has a new master plan that might better be called a "wish list" since there apparently is no money to finance most of the proposed improvements, at least at this time. One hope is that the airport can someday lengthen the runway to accommodate larger jets, which could contribute to economic development efforts. But that also likely would involve buying up surrounding properties to have room for such a project. Some folks might fight tooth and nail against selling their land for an airport expansion. But South Franklin Township resident Don King, at an open house to view the plans Wednesday, looked at the greater good. If and when the time comes that King's house gets in the way of an airport expansion, it sounds as if he won't stand in the way of progress. Said King, "I hate to lose my home, but I realize something's got to be done for the betterment of the community and the betterment of the county." That kind of attitude should be commended.
Labels: Government
I double-checked. Sure enough I read the post correctly. Wow. Someone actually will put himself in an arduous situation so others can benefit. It's refreshing to hear about someone who refrains from the NIMBY attitude that so many people have. They preach change, even demand long as it's "not in my back yard!" Kudos to Mr. King. He's a rare find and a dying breed.
Several years ago, a cargo carrier was looking to start flying in to Toledo Airport (Toledo is where I grew up...), but the only catch would have been flights flying in and out of there all night. When residents complained, the mayor suggested, and I'm not kidding, giving those houses to deaf people!
--Brad Hundt
Assuming that deaf people lived in the houses near the airport, and given the fact that the Washington Redskins caved in and now run "closed captioning" at FedEx field, don't you think that the deaf people in those houses would want a big sign erected that reads "ROOOOOOAAAAR" or whatever sound a jet makes?
Absolutely. We can't deprive them of that crucial life experience.
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