Here we go again

The New York Times reports that the congressional committee that heard testimony from pitcher Roger Clemens and his former trainer, Brian McNamee, has taken the first step toward seeking a criminal perjury investigation of Clemens. In general, most folks would agree that we can't have people lying to Congress or to federal authorities, but I wonder if going after Clemens, and before him, Barry Bonds, is of great national import. Anyone who had watched Bonds play for the Pirates and then saw what he morphed into while playing with San Francisco could tell that he was taking more than flaxseed oil. Mr. Potato Head didn't get that huge on Flintstone's vitamins. But spending thousands upon thousands of dollars to prove that Bonds lied about his drug use seems like a wasted effort, considering the other challenges facing our country. It's much the same with Clemens. Most people believe he took steroids and/or human growth hormone, and they believe Rodger the Dodger is lying about it. These players and their accomplishments have been forever tainted, and when you're dealing with people with egos this huge, having their achievements dismissed by the vast majority of the American public might be the biggest punishment they could get. Are costly criminal proceedings really necessary on top of that? And if you believe McNamee's attorney, even if the government pursues a case against Clemens, there's the possibility that President Bush might issue him a blanket pardon on his way out the White House door. It could be money for nothing.
Labels: Sports
I agree, everytime I hear a discussion about the drug use of athletes I have to wonder why anyone should really care. There are much more important things that our government can be investigating and spending money on than on people studip enough to use these dangerous drugs.
I also agree that most people would feel that we cannot have people lying to Congress or to the Federal Authorities but since Bill Clinton did it and got away with it what why not let these guys do it too.
The White House lies every day. Where's Congress? In the pecking order, I'd think that baseball comes after the economy, poverty, hunger, government giveaways to corporations and honesty in office. Take away the game's antitrust protection-- maybe they'll listen.
All the hoopla in Wash DC over Clemens and steroids is a waste. The congressional committees did similar hearings a year, or two, ago. What came from those meetings? Nothing! What reason would we have to believe something will come from the recent hearings? It only served to get "face time" for some legislators. With all the major problems facing the country, how do these matters quickly (matter of days) get elevated to the top of the list. I think currently eleven Federal judicial appointments are awaiting congressional action. One is over 400 days old. How can this happen? I know, different committees, different groups, etc. But, somehow these trivial matters get attention before the important ones.
No, if something happens that Clemens is proven to be guilty of perjury, GW Bush will not pardon him.
Personally, I'm pulling for Bonds to escape unscathed at this point. He has successfully shown that the system is so badly broken that somebody can squeeze through the cracks. He has helped expose a weakness.
But, in the end, who cares? Baseball has lost most of the luster of the past. The huge salaries, the arrogance of many players, and the poor behavioral problems, have tainted the performances. Just like other sporting events, athletics has degenerated into entertainment. The nation's fascination with celebrity has only fed into a system that is filled with egomaniacs.
I just can't understand why Congress is involved with this whole steroid thing. It just doesn't seem like it's important enough for our lawmakers to give it a second thought.
I hate professional athletes, the massive egos, the gargantuan salaries and the hype that surrounds them. I don't care about Bonds or Clemens. These idiots are all that's wrong with professional sports.
Roger is's all about entertainment. The glory days of most sports are over. As far as I'm concerned, Hank Aaron is the home run king. Maris holds the record for home runs in a season. If Clemens and Bonds come away from this unscathed, then Pete Rose should be inducted into the Hall of Fame as quickly as possible.
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