Murtha has nothing to say ... really

U.S. Rep. Jack Murtha isn't a man who is known for keeping his opinions to himself, whether it's speaking out on the Haditha killings or describing his congressional district as a racist, redneck area. But he got very, very quiet on Friday, and it wasn't because he was hunting wabbits. Reporters tried to ask him questions about Kuchera Defense Systems Inc. of nearby Windber, which has been banned from doing business with the Navy, based on fraud allegations and claims of ethics violations. Why would Murtha be questioned about Kuchera? Maybe because the company has given $60,000 to the Johnstown lawmaker and his political action committee over the past seven years. Or maybe because, in the last two years alone, Murtha has "earmarked" $14.7 million in military contracts for the company. But Murtha wasn't interested in talking about his buddies. Said the lawmaker, "What's that got to do with me? What do you think, I'm supposed to oversee these companies? That's not my job. That's the Defense Department's job." He really and truly said, "What's that got to do with me?" He doesn't sound defensive at all, does he? And this isn't the only company with ties to Murtha that has been raided by the feds of late. A D.C.-area lobbying firm known as PMA also is the target of an investigation. In just the past two years, that company has received $78 million through Murtha's earmarks. Murtha was questioned Friday at a Johnstown event known as the "Showcase for Commerce." It's a trade show for defense contractors and is paid for by seven of the world's largest defense contractors, companies that have been very generous in tossing money into Murtha's campaign coffers over the years. Nobody is saying that Murtha did anything illegal, but it's been my experience, in general, that people who have nothing to hide don't get defensive and refuse to answer questions. Couldn't he have replied, "I'm aware of the investigation, and if the company is found to have committed misdeeds, it should be punished."? He could've. But these are his pals we're talking about. We pay Murtha's salary and foot the bill for his pension and health insurance. And we're all paying for these earmarked multimillion-dollar contracts that may or may not be dirty. We deserve to have these questions answered by OUR representative.
Labels: Crime, Government
This is nothing new for Murtha. The joke, however, is on us, the idiots who keep electing him.
I think this one might be shaping up to make Murtha the most uncomfortable he's been since Abscam.
If you drive to Johnstown and through downtown you will see how he gets elected.
I went to college in Johnstown and lived there for the better part of four years. I know all about Murtha.
Those contracts are the reason Murtha will never be defeated. The difference between him and say, someone like John Pettit or Rick Santorum, is that Murtha brings MILLIONS to local companies for local projects. That makes his indiscretions a little easier to overlook.
Let's face it, people aren't stupid. When they get a chance to vote for someone who will bring home the pork and keep the area from becoming the next economic dump of Western Pa they are going to take it. No matter how it gets here and who else in hurts. Things may seem pretty bad here, but they could and probably would be worse without people like Murtha.
People don't care if Murtha is unethical or crooked, so long as they can keep their jobs and keep their pocketbooks full.
Just ask Bill Clinton. Or Bill DeWeese.
Brant, I really enjoyed working with you for the past couple of years. I'm very sad to hear you're being forced out from the newspaper now that you've criticized Murtha. I'm sure President Obama will be forwarding you your pink slip in the next few days since we're allegedly controlled by the Democrats...
And then there are those who are convinced that we're controlled by the Republicans. It gets very confusing when you don't know who your boss is. ;-)
That must mean we're doing something right.
I like the O-R. I especially like the way MR. Northrop stood up against the tourism money give away to the Washington things. The way these WT people operate it really takes a lot of moxey to buck them. Too damn bad that Bob Gregg doesn't measure to Mr. Northrup's ethical standards.
Brant, keep up the good work and keep the heat on jerks such as Murtha, and the Washington Wild Things.
Money has corrupted the both of these turkeys.
Not wishing to become cyber assassinated, I'll remain Anonymous!
Keep on the Wild Things buddy and Murtha. Both are jerks. Strange day when even the WR sided with you guys.
Perhaps the GITMO prisoners could be housed at The Point Stadium in Johnstown. Ah, that can't be done because it would be considered touture.
The rats at Point Stadium wouldn't want the Gitmo prisoners housed with them.
It's "MURTHA" you redneck racist! Now,if you signed my paycheck I have a better way to describe you. Like misrepresented citizens of Pennsylvania? Time to clean these bums outta of our lives, and he can take Deweese with him!
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