An embarrassment to her party (and country)

Anyone with a set of eyes and ears has long known that Nancy Pelosi is a partisan political schmuck with few redeeming qualities. Now she has herself in a real pickle, and it's fun to watch her squirm. Pelosi, for reasons known only to her (something self-serving is highly likely), has been making a big to-do about her allegation that the CIA lied to her in 2002 about waterboarding of a terror detainee. The first point that should be made here is that these events happened SEVEN YEARS AGO! This is water way under the bridge. It's been crystal clear that the Bush administration lied, twisted the truth and did a poor job (deliberately?) of interpreting intelligence in the war on terror and the war in Iraq. I'm guessing that Pelosi is attempting to make herself look better by claiming she was misled, while at the same time doing some partisan piling on regarding the Bush administration's alleged torture of detainees. The backlash from Republicans was quick and brutal. That was to be expected. But even current CIA Director Leon Panetta, one of Pelosi's fellow Democrats, said the agency's records from the September 2002 briefing attended by Pelosi show that "CIA officers briefed truthfully on the interrogation of Abu Zubaydah, describing 'the enhanced techniques that had been employed.'" I rarely agree with House Minority Leader John Boehner - mainly because the Ohio Republican is as big a political hack as Pelosi - but he's absolutely right on this matter. Said Boehner, in an appearance on CNN, "Lying to the Congress of the United States is a crime, and if the speaker is accusing the CIA and other intelligence officials of lying or misleading the Congress, then (she) should come forward with evidence." In other words, Nancy, put up or shut up. A lot of us, even many Democrats, would prefer the latter. Unless you want to resign, which would be even better.
Labels: Government, Politics
I think Pelosi is using "selective memory," which is common in Washington and among politicians. But who knows who knew what, when? I still say the best way to sort this out is to waterboard Bush, Cheney, Rice and Rumsfeld and see what they say. After all -- it's not torture in their eyes, right?
She is painful to listen to and to watch. I thought that before last week's press conference ... the press conference just confirmed my original thoughts.
Or we could waterboard Pelosi. I bet she remembers some stuff then. The sooner that bitch is out of power, the better. I hope this crap brings her down and leaves her political career in a flaming heap of horse crap. Which is pretty much everything that comes out of her mouth.
Hehehehe... Yeah... I'd rather not spend an hour during the next state of the union address adjusting the vertical hold on my TV because of her popping up and down like a prairie dog...
The idea of the CIA deceiving someone is incredible. I'm shocked! SHOCKED!
That being said, she handled this pretty ineptly. And the whole torture issue has become a headache -- on the one hand, it can't be swept under the rug, but who wants to spend the next four years fighting about the last eight? I think Obama and his advisers are reluctant to pursue it with all-guns blazing when that energy could be spent on health care reform, combating global warming, etc.
--Brad Hundt
Easy with the language, Priguy.
As for Pelosi, I never really understood how she was elevated to speaker, considering all the negatives. But maybe that's a requirement for the job. Just look back at Denny Hastert and Newt Gingrich. They weren't exactly all-stars for the human race.
She has obviously been a major disappointment on so many levels.
And what is going on with her face?
Or we could repeatedly almost drown Pelosi. I bet she remembers some stuff then. The sooner that objectionable, contemptible shrew is out of power the better. I hope the repercussions of her lying and covering up causes irreparable damage to her political career, thus leaving said career in a flaming heap of equine feces...which equate to pretty much everything that comes out of her mouth.
For what it's worth, my first comments were tempered for posting. Decorum prohibits me from expressing exactly how I feel about this, ahem, woman.
Can anybody tell me about Pelosi's major accomplishments in Washington, other than promoting her own rise to power and contributing greatly to the near death of bipartisanship in the House? Not that she hasn't had help from Boehner, McConnell and some of the Republican idiots, but gone are the days of true leaders in Congress.
She dresses well and smells good.
I don't really read long paragraphs on a page - I typically skim. I skimmed..
"Nancy Pelosi" ...
...... pickle...
and that made perfect homogeneous sense to me...she's a gherkin that needs to shut her big ol' vinegar flappin' head.
only thing i have to say about her is lay off the botox. not good when your forehead doesn't move, but your throat looks like a turkey gobbler.
Two words: Turtleneck sweaters
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