An author? You betcha

I hear that Alaska governor and former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is writing a book. Shouldn't there be a rule that you had to have read a book, or at least be able to name a magazine or newspaper you flipped through, in order to write your own book? I can't wait to hear the tale about how she attended five colleges in order to get a single bachelor's degree, or how having Vladimir Putin fly over one's home state is indicative of foreign policy expertise.
Labels: Entertainment, Government, Politics
I scored some of the illustrations from the book from a friend of mine in the publishing industry...
The house you can see Russia from:
Sarah's Considerably Athleticism:
And... from the chapter entitled "Sleeping with Bristol"
Brant, your obsession with the Palins is showing again.
I don't think her husband thinks about her as much as you do.
Hey, she's a very public figure, and this is a legitimate news story. You can bet she's getting seven figures for this book. And, as we speak, there's a news story about Palin coming out in defense of the embattled California pageant queen. The woman courts media attention, so I don't feel the least bit reluctant to comment on her. You're welcome to tell us why you like her.
I sort of chuckled when I read that she was going to put her journalism background to work...
This is going to be one of those books that will long be clogging the remainder tables and used book sales of the world, alongside "How to Survive the Great Depression of 1990" and "Michael Dukakis: The Man Who Would Be President."
--Brad Hundt
I don't know Brad... I think it may fly off the shelves... I mean, I HAVE to read the thing... it's like getting "nip-slip" pics of Megan Fox emailed to you... you can't NOT look.
I'm predicting that it will be the laugh riot of the publishing year. Not intentionally, of course.
Depends on how good the ghost writer is... She's not actually writing it herself is she? Like... sitting down at a computer and pounding out a few hundred pages?
I am prepared for a letdown... I see this going through more filters than the air at CDC headquarters
I'm predicting this will be the opening line: "This one time, at church camp ..."
or hunting camp....
or maybe gun camp...
or esKEEmo camp...
i think i'll just read it with a red pen and circle all the bullshit i see.
and dale, the obsession is more with sarah than anything.. hell, i'm a woman, and i still wanna see her funbags! *puts a dollar in her mouth waiting for sarah to dance on over*
I dunno... 5 kids? I bet when she unfastens all her hooks and buttons, she looks a lot more like a neopolitan mastiff :-)
I can pinpoint my fascination with her... this person, whom I believe to be functionally ignorant, was part of the team that came in SECOND PLACE in the contest that decides who will be the leader of the united states of america. An entire political party and MILLIONS of people looked at the half empty jug of seal oil and hair and said "yeah, she'd be a good number 2." And little miss color-by-numbers, married to Mr. Secessionist, had the moose balls to try that "real american" crap... But mostly I credit her with dragging an American hero and an honorable senator from arizona down to the level of school board politics... and forever tramping-up the word Maverick... which before last year was associated with a kick-ass air-force movie and a kick-ass cowboy/gambling movie...
Yeah, Palin/Plumber in 2012... because the party isn't in single digits yet.
You two really need to find a new subject, like how could Barrick Obama really write the books he supposedly has written. What a joke. The libs are really that threaten by Sarah Palin.
But mostly I credit her with dragging an American hero and an honorable senator from arizona down to the level of school board politics... There's no need to slam school boards.
I don't particularly like her. I don't care one way or the other. I do find it amusing that so many Democrats spend so much time thinking about her.
I don't see her face all over the place like, say, Al Gore. But I don't see you bashing him.
The only time I ever see Al Gore is when Fox News is saying "It was cold today in Montana, so much for global warming!"
If it weren't for Fox News and talk radio, I would not even know that Gore was doing anything differnt than Quayle.
I also think that Gore and Leiberman could have done a competent job at leading the country...
I see. His testimony in front of congress on global warming recently didn't catch your attention, huh?
I honestly did not see that ANYWHERE in the news.
Did your newspaper run any coverage? Was this recently?
What was controversial about it?
What evidence does "Anonymous" have that "Barrick Obama" didn't write the books that bear his name? Do you also believe that he wasn't born in the United States? That he's the illegitimate son of Malcolm X? Or, for that matter, that the Clintons killed Vince Foster and rolled his body up in a rug?
Oh, I suppose you think Bill Ayers wrote them, which is one of the stories going around in the tin foil hat-wearing realm of the far right.
--Brad Hundt
I'm sure Palin has a ghost writer. I'm also quite sure Obama had some help writing his books too. He can't even order a cheeseburger without help.
Ellipses, can you tell me where I can find the Megan Fox pictures?
I wish! all I can find are skanky pics of britney and paris
Was putting "skanky" in there redundant?
I'm sure there were baby pictures where they didn't look all that skanky.
After reading the Viagra post above, I had a four-hour erection. Then I scrolled own to Palin's picture and lost it immediately.
"The libs are really that threaten by Sarah Palin."
You bet I'm threatened by the fact that someone with absolutely no grip on reality has a chance to get into the White House. She'd make W look like a nukewler scientist.
Brant is fascinated with Palin. He keeps asking me to cut my bangs and wear my glasses more.
Better that Brant wants you to look like Palin than Joe Biden!
Sarah!..She brings people to your blog and she bring YOU to climax.
Get over it.
Hey, if Palin posed for Playboy, I'd pick up a copy. I just don't want her anywhere near the White House. I guess a public tour would be OK.
Lemme see hertnekkid, and I'll tell you if'n I wants to see her nekkid agin.
Let's see Palin has as much if not more political experience as your beloved Obama yet she threatens you!!!! Hmm!!! Very Interesting........
I never mentioned a lack of political experience. It's the fact that she'd dumber than an end table.
Don't you know, Brant, that a true American would hold their own lamp? America doesn't need more end tables. It needs these elitist end tables to get out of way so you can choose what is right for you family when it comes to home decor. End tables are just another entitlement we cannot afford.
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